Cyber Insurance Coverage FAQs

What is cyber insurance coverage?

Cyber insurance coverage is a type of insurance that protects businesses and individuals from financial loss due to cyber attacks and data breaches. It covers costs associated with responding to and recovering from a cyber attack, including legal fees, public relations, and credit monitoring for affected individuals.

Why is it necessary?

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the risk of cyber attacks and data breaches increases. Cyber insurance coverage provides protection against financial loss in the event of a cyber attack or data breach, which can be especially important for small businesses and individuals who may not have the resources to cover these costs on their own.

What does offer in terms of cyber insurance coverage? offers a range of cyber insurance options to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. Our coverage includes protection against cyber attacks, data breaches, and privacy violations, as well as legal and public relations support in the event of a cyber attack or data breach. Our team of experts can help you find the right coverage to protect your business or personal assets. Learn more about our cyber insurance coverage.

Cyber Security Insurance Coverage -

How do I get cyber insurance coverage from

To get started with cyber insurance coverage from, simply contact our team and we will help you find the right coverage for your needs. We will work with you to understand your specific needs and help you find the best coverage to protect your business or personal assets.

Is’s cyber insurance coverage affordable?

At, we understand that cost is an important consideration when it comes to insurance. That’s why we offer a range of affordable options for cyber insurance coverage. Our team will work with you to find a solution that fits your budget and provides the protection you need.

Where can I learn more about’s cyber insurance coverage options?

To learn more about’s cyber insurance coverage options, simply contact our team and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to helping you find the right coverage to protect your business or personal assets.

Learn about our comprehensive cyber security insurance offering to keep your business secure from online threats and data breaches.

Contact Us

Should you wish to avail of a free no obligation quotation please do not hesitate to contact us in either of our offices:

Cork (021) 4275 347
Kerry (068) 59983

Alternatively, e-mail us with your renewal date and we will contact you prior to your renewal –

Or you can fill in this form with your query and we can contact you:

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