In the dynamic field of cybersecurity, understanding public attitudes towards cyber threats and governmental policies is essential. The research paper “Cyberattacks, Cyber Threats, and Attitudes Toward Cybersecurity Policies” by Keren L.G. Snider et al., published in the Journal of Cybersecurity in 2021, provides valuable insights into how exposure to cyberattacks shapes public support for cybersecurity measures. This study’s findings are particularly relevant for online security specialists and businesses looking to navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape.

Key Findings and Their Implications:

1. Increased Support for Government Alerts Post-Cyberattacks:

The study found that exposure to lethal cyberattacks tends to increase public support for policies requiring government alerts about such incidents. This heightened awareness underscores the need for robust Cyber Insurance solutions offered by, which provide essential coverage against the financial impact of cyberattacks and data breaches.

2. Demand for Oversight Policies:

Nonlethal cyberattacks lead to higher support for oversight policies. This shift in public opinion highlights the importance of Data Protection Insurance from, safeguarding businesses against liabilities arising from data breaches and ensuring compliance with evolving regulatory landscapes.

3. Balancing Security and Privacy:

The study also touches on the delicate balance between security and privacy. As businesses and individuals become increasingly aware of online privacy, the demand for comprehensive yet respectful cybersecurity measures grows.’s Technology Insurance offers comprehensive protection for tech professionals against various risks, aligning with the public’s nuanced understanding of cybersecurity.

4. Professional Indemnity for Cybersecurity Specialists:

Given the potential legal implications and the public’s varying perceptions of cyber threats, Professional Indemnity Insurance is vital. It protects against claims of negligence or errors in cybersecurity services, catering to the evolving demands for accountability and expertise in this sector.


The study by Snider et al. is a crucial resource for understanding public attitudes towards cybersecurity and the acceptance of government intervention. For cybersecurity professionals and businesses, staying informed and protected against these evolving threats is paramount. stands ready to assist with a range of insurance products designed to meet these challenges head-on. For more information or to get a quote, visit’s Contact Page.

Snider, K.L.G., Shandler, R., Zandani, S., & Canetti, D. (2021). Cyberattacks, cyber threats, and attitudes toward cybersecurity policies. Journal of Cybersecurity, 2021, 1–11. DOI: 10.1093/cybsec/tyab019